"Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn't know you had, and dealing with fears you didn't know existed"
Linda Wooten
The day you became a mum was the best day of your life. The dreams and ambitions of what lay ahead for you and your new family left you feeling fresh and excited.
Throughout your pregnancy you were informed of how your body would change and about the birth. But how prepared were you for the challenges, transformations and changes that motherhood brings?
These can occur in many different areas of our lives - our emotional, physical and spiritual health, our sense of identity and relationships with others, and the connection with ourselves. These transformations are sometimes effortless and with ease. At other times we're left feeling overwhelmed, worn out, unhealthy and unhappy.
Every transformation begins with a shift before it manifests itself in our external reality. How we deal with these shifts can have a big and lasting impact on our lives.
My passion is to guide mothers to reconnect to themselves, do deep work to bring clarity, health and purpose to their lives. To focus on their nutrition and mindset as a collective, and to guide them to their end goal through structured nutrition plans and pure coaching techniques.
By combining these two areas in one package, tailored around your specific needs, you will make gradual and lasting changes to your everyday life - changes that will benefit you and your family for many years to come.
If you have been affected in any of the following ways, my programs could benefit you:
The ways in which I can help are not limited to the above list. If there is anything you would like to discuss, please book a free 20 minute discovery session and we can explore your concerns further.
Low self-esteem & body image
Baby blues
Should I return to work?
Relationship strain
Financial woes
Prioritising your own needs
Parenthood challenges
Realistic nutrition plans for you and your family
Self-doubt and insecurity